Google Images
Hey, it's faunus.. I know some people have enjoyed my art, and I'll probably post more in the future, just with more caution and reserve... Being still largely inexperienced with the web when I originally joined and started sharing, I didn't realize that google images was so... efficient. And most of all I didn't realize that if something was taken down on a forum, it would STAY on google images for... ever???

Now, when searching my DA username and a race I've used in a big project there, images from my art thread in this forum pop up on Google Images, just because I didn't change the name of one jpg with the username and mentioned my alien race once... My friends and family like to google me on occasion, this would be MORTIFYING.

The problem is, though the thread has been removed, the images still show up.

I've done some reasearch, it seems that Google can't remove images even if the page is removed if the site owner has anything stored in their site's databanks... I don't know how this works. But I have links that explain:

I emailed Lyric about this, for which I feel bad if I bugged him, but I'm very very very stressed out. I had no idea such a thing wouldn't disappear from search even if the thread was removed.

Can anyone who mods this site help me??? Time is very much of the essence in this.
That is something that only Lyric can help you with. The mods can delete the threads, but Lyric is the owner and admin of the site, so it's something only he can take care of.

Ones of the cardinal rules of the internet; once you put something on the internet, it stays there. Someone, somewhere has seen your stuff and has saved it. Almost nothing escapes the black hole that is the internet archive. And what does escape is so obscure that no one will go looking for it anyway. Unfortunately, I don't think our little community and anything in it falls into that category.

I hope Lyric can help you. It might take a little while though.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->
Yeah this is why I'm so secretive about my identity and anything with my name on it. Hope you sort it.
Unfortunately, I don't have the technical skills to help you with this issue Faunus. I wish that I did. I know that many of us are very paranoid about our online presence and it can feel rather agonizing to think about the digital footprints we leave behind. I'd say that you shouldn't stress too much about this. The chances of anyone you know finding you out is very slim, and you can always create false trails for them or say that it's a coincidence of sorts. If anyone who's tech-savy with this sort of issue is reading, please let Faunus know. I can try to help as needed.
Thanks all. Even if nothing can be done, I do appreciate that you care, I know you do.

I didn't come in here to ask my question with high hopes, lol... well I do have nosy friends, I can't be sure how likely or un-likely they are to hunt down my internet past, but, as you said Lyric, I can create false trails, and I am doing that. All I can do is make new footprints to try and cover up the old, and it's sort of positive side-effect that I've been getting my art and stuff out there more on my main sites to do so.

Just gotta stay positive and try not to have a heart-attack I guess. When things calm down, I'll be putting art up here again, though definitely more cautiously, making sure the files are named differently from where I uploaded them on DA in the past. I need to get better at keeping my identities separate but it's certainly not simple and is a learned skill.

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